Mobility, Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia

Inter-Religious Exchanges: Past and Present 2016                                


Inter-Religious Exchanges: Past and Present

Religion and the City: Inter-Religious Exchanges in Urban Environments

Berlin, November 3-4, 2016

(practical details)

(program to download) (poster A4)


A Humboldt Foundation Workshop


Michal Biran (HUJI), Nurit Stadler (HUJI), Yukiyo Kasai (Turfanforschung BBAW)


Preliminary Program

Thursday, November 3

9:30-11:00        Opening Session

9:30-9:45         Opening Remarks:  Michal Biran, Nurit Stadler, Yukiyo Kasai

9:45-11:00        Keynote Speaker-I

John Eade (University of Roehampton), “Comparing the Incomparable? Urbanisation, Transnational Flows and Religion in the Context of London and Lourdes”


11:00-11:30     Coffee break


11:30-13:00    Regional panel I: Religion and the City along the Silk Roads, Part A

Chair: Michal Biran (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Li Tang (University of Salzburg / Cambridge), "Xanadu and Dadu:Buddhists, Christians and Muslims in the Two Capitals of the Yuan Dynasty"

Jennifer Purtle (University of Toronto), “Sonic Boom: The Audial Landscape of Religious Practice in Sino-Mongol Quanzhou”

Isabelle Charleux (CNRS), Buddhisms in a Cosmopolitan City: Religious and Ethnic Cohabitation and Interactions in Hohhot from Altan Khan’s Times to the Present (16th-21st Centuries)”

Manduhai Buyandelger (MIT), From Secrecy to Flamboyance: Shamanism, Migration, and Urban Life in Mongolia


13:00-14:30     Lunch break


14:30-16:30    Regional panel I: Religion and the City along the Silk Roads, Part B

Chair: Simone-Christiane Raschmann (BBAW)

Yukiyo Kasai (Turfanforschung, BBAW), “The Relationship Between Two Oasis-Cities - From the Buddhist Aspect”

Adam Benkato (Turfanforschung, BBAW), “On Local Deities in the Medieval Turfan Area, as Attested in Sogdian and Old Turkic Texts”

Michael Shenkar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), “Religion, Society and Urban Environment in Panjikent”


16:30-17:00     Coffee break


17:00-19:00 Regional panel II: Religion and the City in the Holy Land

Chair:  Nurit Stadler (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Anthony Bale (University of London), Inventing the City View: The Case of Nabi Samwil and the View of Jerusalem”

Jonathan Rubin (Bar Ilan University), “Frankish Acre as an Arena of Inter-religious Conflicts and Exchanges”

Nimrod Luz (Western Galilee College), “Negotiating Cosmopolis in Acre: Social and Spatial Interfaith Dialogues in a Mixed Israeli City”

Elisa Farinacci (University of Bologna), “Living in a Walled City: The Ethnographic Case Study of Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem and Beit Jala”


Friday, November 4th

9:45-11:00    Keynote speaker-II

Nezar AlSayyad (UC Berkeley), The Fundamentalist City: Medieval Modernity


11:00-11:30     Coffee break


11:30-13:30   Thematic panel I: Sites of Memory

Chair: Anthony Bale (University of London)

Simon Coleman (University of Toronto), “Architectures of Memory: Cathedrals in the Multi-cultural, Multi-temporal City”

Valentina Napolitano (University of Toronto), “On the Political Aesthetics of Lampedusa Cross(es)”

Claudia Liebelt (Bayreuth University), "Revitalization in Istanbul: Probing Cosmetic Surgery Tourism as a Form of Pilgrimage"


13:30-15:30   Lunch break


15:30-17:00   Thematic panel II: Rituals and Sacredness

Chair: Yukiyo Kasai (BBAW)

Andrew Peacock (University of St. Andrews), "Futuwwa and Religious Exchange in Medieval Anatolian Cities"

Karen Barkey (UC Berkeley), “Shared Sacred Sites and the Politics of Religious Pluralism”

Volker Gottowik (Goethe University, Frankfurt), “When Ritual Becomes Event: Conflicting Ideas about the Place of Religion in Modernity”


17:00-17:30 Coffee break


17:30-18:00 Concluding remarks:

Nimrod Luz (Western Galilee College)