Or Amir
Sufis and Mamluks: a Chapter in the Islamization of Palestine
Na'ama O. Arom
"A Bridge to the East": A Study of Ilkhanid Diplomacy
Yoni Brack
Wonhee Cho
Soyoung Choi (alumni)
Francesca Fiaschetti
Definitions of identity and alterity in the Yuanshi
Matanya Gill
Ofir Haim (alumni)
Legal documents and letters – written in both Early Judeo-Persian and Early New Persia
Florence Hodous (alumni)
Legal personnel and institutions in the Mongol empire.
Rachel Hoffmann
The Mamluk city in Bilad al-Sham
Yoichi Isahaya
Ishayahu Landa
The Oirats in Mongol Eurasia: A study of Tribal Mobility
Amir Mazor
Undine Ott (alumni)
The Muslim Cult of Saints and Its Protagonists in Central Asia
Vered Shurany
The Islamization of Ningxia under Mongol Rule: The Life and Times of Prince Ananda
Nicholas Walmsley
Yang Qiao
Qiu Yihao (邱轶皓)
Wu Hanqi (Uhaanch) (alumni)
Daniel Zakrzewski (alumni)