Mobility, Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia

CFP: Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era


CFP: Multilateral Dynamics between the Middle East and Asia in the Mongol Era

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

International Workshop, Sunday, December 15, 2019

Conveners: Michal Biran, Vered Shurany, and Jonathan Brack

We are happy to announce the convening of a one-day workshop that will be held in conjunction with  the fifth annual conference of the Asian Sphere (Monday-Wednesday, 16-18 December 2019). The workshop will be held at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem on December 15, 2019. In accordance with the theme of the Asian Sphere conference, the workshop's theme is the multilateral aspects and interconnectivities between Asia (Central, East, Southeast, South and North) and the Middle East (including Greater Iran, Anatolia, Syria and Egypt, Yemen, al-Hijaz) in the Mongol period broadly defined (13th-15th centuries). We seek papers that explore the intricate, cross-regional and inter-cultural connections during the Mongol era or fruitful comparative studies that draw on several and certainly more than one - region, culture or society in this period. The aim of the workshop is to invite a broader discussion about the methods for, as well as the importance, value and pitfalls of, conducting comparative studies across Mongol-dominated Eurasia and between the empire’s spheres of influence.

Papers might include the multifaceted and complex array of cross-regional Eurasian mobtilities, migrations, and transfers (human, material, cultural, scientific, artistic, textual and more); diplomatic, economic, and military relations, rivalries and comparisons; geopolitical and environmental transitions under Mongol rule in a comparative view; societies on the fringes of the empire; religious and cultural connectivities and tensions arising from Mongol rule; and more. We especially welcome studies focusing on one text, object or media as an arena of cross-cultural connections as well as papers dealing with specific cross-Asian networks (commercial, religious, scientific).     

 Practical details:

We will be accepting abstracts of entire panels or individual papers (up to 250 words); along with a short (maximum 1 page) CV by March 11, 2019.

Abstracts and CVs should be sent to:

Ms. Vered Shurany; Dr. Jonathan Brack; and Prof. Michal Biran at;;

For the whole CFP see the .pdf file via this link.