Mobility, Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia

International Workshop: Mongol Warfare Between Steppe and Sown (25-26.05.17)


A number of the Jerusalem Mongol Project's members are going to take part in the international workshop “Mongol Warfare between Steppe and Sown: Military, Social and Cultural Perspectives” to be held at the Centre for Advanced Studies Sofia (Sofia, Bulgaria), on the 25th -26th of May 2017.

The keynote of the workshop will be given by the head of our project, Prof. Michal Biran, who will talk about "The Chaghadaid Army in Comparative Framework". Among the participants are the following members or alumnis of our project: Dr. Jonathan Brack, Dr. Francesca Fiaschetti, Ms. Vered Shurani, Ms. Qiao Yang, Dr. Qiu Yihao.

More on the workshop, including the whole program and the list of the participants can be found at and in the full program attached below.

The relevant FB event can be found at

sofia workshop 17