Francesca Fiaschetti
Academic interests
Chinese History; history of the Mongol Empire; ethnicity and identity; cross-cultural exchanges between Inner and East Asia; Yuan dynasty; non-Han dynasties.
Current projects
- The concept of foreign land in the Yuanshi
- Charisma, Legitimation and Imperial Ideology between East and Inner Asia
Curriculum Vitae
October 2014-current: Research Fellow at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2015: PhD in Sinology, LMU University, Munich.
2008: MA in Sinology, “Sapienza” University of Rome.
2005: BA in Sinology, “Sapienza” University of Rome.
Francesca Fiaschetti, Limits of Belonging: The Concept of Foreign Land in the Yuan Period (Asiatische Forschungen), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz [in preparation].
Paul D. Buell, Francesca Fiaschetti, Historical Dictionary of the Mongol World Empire, Second Edition (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras), Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press [forthcoming, 2017].
Edited volumes:
Francesca Fiaschetti, Julia Schneider, Angela Schottenhammer (eds.) Ethnicity and sinicization Reconsidered: Workshop on non-Han empires in China, Crossroads, vol. 5, Special Issue, (April 2012), Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag.
Francesca Fiaschetti, "The Borders of Rebellion: The Yuan Dynasty and the Rhetoric of Empire" in: Francesca Fiaschetti, Julia Schneider (eds.), Political Strategies of Identity Building in non-Han empires in China (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2014), pp. 127-146.
Francesca Fiaschetti, Julia Schneider, “Introduction”, in: Francesca Fiaschetti, Julia Schneider (eds.), Political Strategies of Identity Building in non-Han empires in China (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2014), pp. 1-8.
Francesca Fiaschetti, "Fremde oder Barbaren? Zu den Auslandsbeziehungen in der Yuanzeit", in: Lena Henningsen, Martin Hofmann (eds.): Tradition? Variation? Plagiat? – Motive und ihre Adaption in China (XXI DVCS Jahrestagung), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012, p. 99-111.
Francesca Fiaschetti, Julia Schneider, „Ethnicity and Sinicization Reconsidered: Workshop on non-Han Empires in China. Workshop Report“, in: Crossroads: Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, vol. 4 (Oct. 2011), p. 243-247.
Review of: Inner Asia and the Spatial Politics of Empire: Archaeology, Mobility, and Culture Contact, by William Honeychurch. in: Asian Highlands Perspectives vol. 39, p. 417-424.
Review of: China’s Encounters on the South and Southwest: Reforging the Fiery Frontier over Two Millennia, by James Anderson and John Whitmore (eds.) in: Asian Highlands Perspectives vol. 39, p. 403-425.
Review of: China as a Sea Power, 1127-1368. by Bruce A. Elleman and Lo Jung-Pang in: Journal of Asian History, 47.2 (2013), p. 254-256.
Review of: L’incontro fra l’Italia e la Cina: il contributo italiano alla sinologia, Atti del V Simposio Internazionale di Sinologia dell’Università Cattolica Fu Jen by Antonella Tulli, Zbigniev Wesolowski (eds.) in: Journal of Asian History, 47.2 (2013), p. 266- 268.
Review of: I Mongoli. Espansione, imperi, eredità. by Michele Bernardini and Donatella Guida, in: Journal of Asian History, vol. 47.1 (2013), p. 121-124.
Review of: A oriente. Città, uomini, dei sulle vie della seta. by Francesco D’Arelli and Pierfrancesco Callieri (Eds.), in: Journal of Asian History, vol. 47.1 ( 2013), p.119-121.
Scholarships and awards
October 2014-till present: Post-doctoral Fellow, Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2013-2014: Visiting Research Fellow in the framework of the ERC Project “Mobility, Empire and Cross-Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia”, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
June-September 2013: PhD scholarship, Graduate Center of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich.
June 2011: AAS-CIAC Small Grant Award for the co-organization of the Workshop “Ethnicity and Sinicization Reconsidered: Workshop on non-Han Empires in China”, Ghent, 15th -17th June.
2009-2011: PhD Scholarship, Gerda Henkel Foundation.
2003–2004: Erasmus Scholarship, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany.