Jenia Yudkevich
Ms. Jenia Yudkevich was born in 1982 in Kiev, Ukrainian USSR, and immigrated to Israel in early 1991. In 2008, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Islamic and Middle Eastern studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, followed in 2012 by a Masters degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies also from the Hebrew University. Her thesis was entitled “Diplomatic Relations and Commerce between the Mamluk Sultanate and the Golden Horde during the third reign of Sultan al-Nāṣir Muḥammad b. Qalāwūn (709/1310-741/1341)”, supervised by Prof. Reuven Amitai.
Jenia has worked as research assistant and programs coordinator at two academic institutions associated with the Hebrew University: The Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies and the Institute of Asian and African Studies. She also worked as librarian and selector of publications in the Islam and Middle East Collection at the National Library of Israel. Her research interest: the Mamluk Sultanate, Medieval Mediterranean, Crusader history and the Mongol Empire.